When you post a service invoice, a service shipment, or a service credit memo, the information on the document is transferred to the Posted Service Invoice, Posted Service Shipment, or Posted Service Credit Memo windows respectively. You cannot enter, change, or delete anything in these windows. You can print a shipment, invoice, or credit memo from these windows.

The following procedure uses a posted service invoice as an example, but the same procedure can apply to posted service shipments and posted credit memos.

To view additional information about a posted service document

  1. In the Search box, enter Posted Service Invoice, and then choose the related link.

  2. Open the posted service invoice you want to view.

  3. To get an overview of the posted invoice, on the Navigate tab, in the Invoice group, choose Statistics.

    The Service Order Statistics window opens. The window displays information such as quantity, amount, Tax, cost, profit, and customer credit limit for the posted document.

After a period of time, you may have a large amount of outdated information in these windows. To save space in the database, you can delete the documents you have already printed.


See Also