Open the Family window.

Defines and manages the product families.

On the General FastTab, the Family BOM No. field allows you to choose a BOM that contains the item(s) that are required to create the items specified on the line. You can only selected certified BOMs, and if there is more than one BOM version, the active version will be used.

The items on the Lines FastTab are the output from the item(s) in the family BOM. The line items can also have their own BOMs as specified in the Production BOM No. field.

The BOMs and routings from the family header and lines will be pushed to the production orders.

The Family BOM Overview FactBox shows the relationship of the family BOM and its components. The bold blue lines are the items in the family BOM. The bold black lines are the line items within the family. The non-bold lines are the components of the BOMs of the individual lines.


See Also