Open the Family Production Worksheet window.

Calculates what families can be produced in order to fulfill the replenishment plan calculated on the Planning Worksheet window.

Once you've calculated the family production plan, you can do the following:

 This window is opened when the Family Production Worksheet option is clicked from the Planning Worksheet window.


  • Carry Out Action Message: Opens the Carry Out Action Msg.-Plan window, which allows you to define what type of production order should be created. Once you click OK, the action is carried out for the related lines in the standard Planning Worksheet window, and those lines are removed from the Planning Worksheet window. If items remain in the standard Planning Worksheet window at this point, then those items were not included in the family plan.

  • Cacl. Family Production Plan: Opens the Calculate Family Prod. Plan window, which allows you to define the location and date that you want to use when calculating family planning. When this calculation is run, it checks the following:

    • The value in the Output Type field on the Family window. Only items with an output type of Primary will be considered in the family planning.

    • The value in the Planning Order field on the Family window. If an item has an output type of Primary on two different families, the Planning Order field is used to determine which item gets priority in the planning. The lower the planning number, the higher the priority.

  • Accept Plan: Select this action to select the Accept Action check boxes, which indicates you are accepting that a production order will be created for the listed families when the actions are carried out. When the Accept Action check box is selected, you cannot modify the lines. The Accept Action check boxes need to be selected before you can select the Carry Out Action Message action.

  • Change Plan: Select this action to clear the Accept Action check boxes.

  • Add Family: Opens the Family Selection window, which allows you to select a family to add to the Family Production Worksheet window.

  • Delete Family: Deletes the selected family.

  • Delete Plan: Deletes all of the lines on the Family Production Worksheet.



See Also

About Families