You can set filters on the following fields:

Filter Description

Status Filter

Enter a status code if you want the program only to display opportunities that are currently assigned that particular status code.

Chances of Success % Filter

Enter a percent if you want the program only to display opportunities with this chance of success.

Probability % Filter

Enter a percent if you want the program only to display opportunities with that particular probability.

Completed % Filter

Enter a percent if you want the program only to display opportunities with that degree of completion.

Est. Value Filter

Enter an amount ) if you want the program only to display opportunities assigned that estimated value.

Calc. Current Value Filter

Enter an amount ( if you want the program only to display opportunities with that calculated current value.

Sales Cycle Filter

Enter a sales cycle code if you want the program only to display opportunities created using that particular sales cycle.

Sales Cycle Stage Filter

Enter a sales cycle stage code if you want the program only to display opportunities currently under that particular sales cycle stage.

See Also